Currently, The Lagos State VIO has changed the process of getting your road worthiness certificate which was effective from Jan 2022 .
A new update from the Vehicle Inspection Service in Lagos is that no vehicle can be issued a Road Worthiness Certificate without inspection of their vehicle. Every vehicle owner must visit a Lagos Computerized Vehicle Inspection Service (LACVIS) to obtain their certificate.
Basically what we issue is a referral slip, The referral slip is a confirmation of your payment for the road worthiness. This referral-slip covers you for 30 days. Within this period you are required to take your vehicle for inspection. In the event that the vehicle did not pass the Minimum Safety Standard Text (MSST), a period of 30 days will be given for the vehicle to be fixed and thereafter return for a repetition of the MSST at no additional cost before the Certificate of Road Roadworthiness is issued
See what the vio would be checking for in your vehicle
Once the vehicle passes the inspection, The road worthiness certificate would be issued to you
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